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Summer Fridays: Ryan Zell


This week we're showcasing Ryan Zell; interactive media artist, sculpture welder, and paddle board enthusiast! See his full interview below and watch our stories all day for his Summer Fridays takeover!

How do you contribute to Art Island?

Hi there! My name is Ryan, aka Voidz, I joined Art Island as an interactive media artist earlier this year. My goal, to bring provide genuine curiosity. Over my stead with Art Island I’ve colab’d with a few talented artists and friends including Lauren Schroeder and Trey Spears. I’ve been setting up interactive installations based off of electrophysiology, motion tracking, and good vibes.

Favorite Art Island event you’ve been to and why?

My favorite one so far would have to be the Cosmos Garden event. It was a journey through the psychedelic and my first project for Art Island. I was able to really get a sense of what I was getting myself into. Needless to say I enjoyed it.

What’s keeping you busy work-wise this summer?

I’ve been frantically building Hard Rock’s new national sports book. We’re slated for launch really soon, so it’s been pretty exciting.

What’s keeping you busy outside of work this summer?

Outside, I’ve got too many hobbies and projects. I love to create digital and physical art, gig it up doing visual effects for bands around town, building apps, working out/running, going paddle boarding, annnnd sleeping. I’ve recently taken up sculpture welding; it’s been fun playing with fire.

What are your creative goals heading into fall?

I’d like to create a sculpture and place it in someone’s front yard. That’s it. One goal at a time for me. Otherwise continuing to grow creatively and help peoples imaginations thrive as best I can.

What’s your ideal summer Friday night in Austin look like?

First things first, hit the gym to start the decompression process. Call up a friend or two to come over and hang out. We order in from our favorite delivery place, I crack open a bottle of wine, and we sit together catching up. Then maybe a terribly amazing b movie or boardgames. Wrapping up the night with a book under a mountain of blankets

Your favorite place to cool down this year?

I know people think it’s gross, but on my paddle board out on Lady Bird Lake. I’m ready for gills.

Favorite place for a work lunch in Austin?

Something close haha. I work remotely so I tend to bounce around the same few restaurants. I’m pretty partial to Poke though.

What’s an emerging trend in your industry that we should pay attention to?

In digital art I think that the sensory space is really going to take off. Other than that virtual/augmented reality has been gaining more of a foothold the last few years.

What local community is doing great things and we should we support?

I’m kind of new here and still figuring it all out, so I’ll use this time to shout YOU out. You’re doing great! I bet you’ve really been trying your best. And if not that’s okay, there’s always tomorrow. But don’t put it off forever. Thanks for making the world a better place and if not, piss off.


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